
Repeat password:*
Date of birth:*
Parent email:
( required for consent)*
Zip code:*
Do you think that you have face recognition problem?*
Did you have any complications or brain injuries around/after birth?*
Do you have any problems with object recognition?*
Left eye: /Diopters of your glass you wear on this eye? If you do not have any glasses, choose 0./*
Right eye: /Diopters of your glass you wear on this eye? If you do not have any glasses, choose 0./*
Other vision deficit: /Write 0 if you don't have any!/*

(We will not sending DMs and spam, we will contact you personally only if your further results are really inevitable for our studies.)

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
The screen you are using is too small to fill out the tests.

Complete the tests on a desktop or larger tablet!
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Sponsored by the Ministry of Human Capacities / ÚNKP-17-4-I - New national excellence program. /
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